
import {Vec3} from './vec3.js';
import {Quat} from './quat.js';
import {Mat4} from './mat4.js';
import { Mesh } from './mesh.js';
import { ShaderProgram } from './shaderProgram.js';

 * This is main class to represent an object with given mesh 
 * that can be placed into a "world".
export class Transform{
     * @param {Mesh} mesh mesh to be assigned to this transform.
     * @param {ShaderProgram} program shader program to be used while drawing the mesh.
    constructor( mesh, program ){
         * @description a random number assigned at creation.
         * @name Transform#id
         * @type {Number}
         * @readonly
         */ = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000);
         * @description Translation in localSpace. set {@link Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate} true after modifying manually!
         * @name Transform#localPos
         * @type {Vec3}
        this.localPos = new Vec3();
         * @description Rotation in localSpace. set {@link Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate} true after modifying manually!
         * @name Transform#localRot
         * @type {Quat}
        this.localRot = new Quat();
         * @description Scale in localSpace. set {@link Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate} true after modifying manually!
         * @name Transform#localScale
         * @type {Vec3}
        this.localScale = new Vec3(1,1,1);
         * @description transformation from localSpace to world space. This is used as model matrix in glsl.
         * Calculated from {@link Transform#localPos},{@link Transform#localRot},{@link Transform#localScale}
         * and {@link Transform#parent} matrix.
         * if {@link Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate} is true, it will be recalculated at next {@link Transform#update} call.
         * @name Transform#localToWorld
         * @type {Mat4}
        this.localToWorld = new Mat4();
         * @description transformation from world space to local space. This is just {@link Transform#localToWorld} inverted.
         * @name Transform#worldToLocal
         * @type {Mat4}
        this.worldToLocal = new Mat4();
         * @description shader program which is used when drawing {@link Transform#mesh}
         * @name Transform#program
         * @type {ShaderProgram}
        this.program = program;
         * @description optional uniforms for this transform. they will override the uniforms in {@link Transform#program}
         * @type {Object<String,Uniform>}
        this.uniforms = {};
         * @description mesh linked to this transformation.
         * @name Transform#mesh
         * @type {Mesh}
        this.mesh = mesh;
         * @description parent transformation of this. It will affect the {@link Transform#localToWorld} matrix.
         * use {@link Transform#setparent} instead of changing this directly.
         * @name Transform#parent
         * @type {Transform}
         * @readonly
        this.parent = null;
         * @description children Transforms of this. Use {@link Transform#addChild} instead of changing this directly.
         * @name Transform#children
         * @type {Transform[]}
         * @readonly
        this.children = [];
         * @description if true, {@link Transform#localToWorld} is recalculated at next {@link Transform#update} call.
         * This avoids recalculation of matrices after every additional transformation.
         * @name Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate
         * @type {Boolean}
        this.matrixNeedsUpdate = true;
         * @description controls wether this object is rendered or not.
         * @name Transform#visible
         * @type {Boolean}
        this.visible = true;
        this.onupdate = function(){};

     * @description sets the parent for this transformation object. This affects the localToWorld and worldToLocal matrices.
     * @param {Transform} parent new parent.
        this.parent = parent;
        this.matrixNeedsUpdate = true;
     * @description pushes the transform to this.children. Does nothing when given transform is already a child.
     * @param {Transform} child new child.
        if(this.children.indexOf(child) != -1){return;}
        if(child.parent != null){
        child.parent = this;
        child.matrixNeedsUpdate = true;
     * @description this should be called from your mainloop implementation before rendering a frame.

     * @description updates localToWorld and worldToLocal matrices. 
     * it Is called from {@link Transform#update} if {@link Transform#matrixNeedsUpdate} is true.
     * Also recursively updates the bounds of this and the parent chain.
        /* matrix recalculations */
        this.localToWorld.trs( this.localPos, this.localRot, this.localScale );
        if(this.parent != null){
            this.localToWorld.multiply( this.parent.localToWorld );
        this.worldToLocal.copy( this.localToWorld );
        for(let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++){
            this.children[i].matrixNeedsUpdate = true;
        this.matrixNeedsUpdate = false;

     * @description an overridable method to be called before drawing.
     * @param {WebglRenderingContext} gl gl context

     * @description main method to draw this.mesh. binds the shaderprogram and assigns uniforms to it.
     * @param {WebglRenderingContext} gl gl context
     * @param {Camera} viewMatrix camera that is used to get view and projection
    draw(gl, camera){
        if(this.program == null){return;}
        if(this.mesh == null){return;}
        this.program.setUniform(gl, 'viewProjectionMatrix', 'm4',;
        this.program.setUniform(gl, 'modelMatrix', 'm4',;
        for(let name in this.uniforms){
            this.program.setUniform(gl,name,this.uniforms[name].type, this.uniforms[name].value);
        this.mesh.draw(gl, this.program);